Curator: Nogah Davidson

The exhibition Bath simulates a fictitious archeological site, a bathhouse comprised of a collection of findings from local ancient history, all connected to body culture. The simulated bathhouse brings together findings from different cultures and periods (Hellenistic, Roman and Egyptian), combines them, and transforms them into a new, contemporary narrative.
Anushik’s bathhouse, a living and breathing archaeological site, was constructed in the context of the current period of increased awareness of social justice and identity politics (woke). It serves as a transformative environment, transporting its visitors back in time to the sauna, tea and oils of the ancient Levant. Roman bathhouses were used for a range of activities: bathing, cosmetic treatments, bodily pleasures and social gatherings. They served as cultural centers for social interaction, sharing ideas and conducting business. Numerous political decisions were made in these centers, which were for men only. The sculptural environment created by Anushik is replete with the societal and political symbolism of our own times: use of the female body alongside symbols of authority, nationalism and political control. Anushik reverses the power relations, exhibiting plaster reliefs of men, youths and sleeping children on the walls of the bathhouse, while active women have exclusive control of the performance stage, rising to the stage with powerful performances of word and body.
The exhibition seeks to examine alternative modes of communication, as well as new power relations, which are not based on control, power and gender.
In the face of today’s social distancing restrictions, which have intensified the need for direct contact, sharing and touch, Anushik’s bathhouse provides a platform for discussion and intimate poetry and dance performances. At Anushik’s Bath, we are invited to transform the existing world order through ancient knowledge and sisterhood.
About the artist:
Anushik is a multi-disciplinary artist working in installation, video, performance and new media. She is a graduate of the Postgraduate Program of Fine Art of Beit Berl College’s Faculty of Arts–HaMidrasha, and is a member of the Binyamin Cooperative Gallery, where she has produced and been involved in numerous exhibitions.
Anushik holds a bachelor’s degree (cum laude) in computer engineering from Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, USA (2004). She studied acting at the Beit Zvi School of the Performing Arts (2012) and curatorial studies at the Shorashim School in Tel Aviv (2013).
Anusik had a solo exhibition at the Janco Dada Museum, and she participated in a group exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK). She has participated in group exhibitions in galleries in Israel and abroad, as well as international festivals. She has presented performance pieces in the format of a solo performancesshow.
Anushik’s work often concentrates on issues related to: gender roles, sexual energy, psychoanalytic research, and the relations between body, technology and science.
Action Space:
Bath is the sixth exhibition of the 2020 exhibition season, dedicated to the theme: Action Space.
The year 2020 at Alfred Gallery will focus on examining the concept exhibition space and expanding its initial definition. At the dawn of the third decade of the 21st century, we seek to challenge the traditional conception of exhibitions and exhibition spaces, and to re-examine their role in the artistic field. Upon reaching 15 years of activity, the Alfred cooperative members seek to open a practical discussion around these issues and try to redefine our mission as a collaborative gallery and as an art and cultural institute. This year the gallery will focus on exhibiting projects and exhibitions that focus on collaborations that reflect on transitions between mediums and disciplines.