Hadar Mitz & Tamar Shachar / Yulia Frydin / Limor Enden / Netta Laufer / Inbal Hoffman / Rotem Ritov / Shanny David-Malek
Curator: Hagar Bril
03.03.2016 - 01.04.2016

On Thursday March 3rd, 2016, Alfred – A Cooperative Institute for Arts and Culture, will open a group exhibition titled 'Domestication', which will feature the works of Hadar Mitz & Tamar Shachar, Yulia Frydin, Limor Enden, Netta Laufer, Inbal Hoffman, Rotem Ritov and Shanny David-Malek.
This exhibition is the second in the annual theme of 2016 – The Humane. The annual series will be divided into two sequences of exhibitions that attempt to examine the possible content of "the humane" as it is perceived today: 'the relations between the human and the divine' and 'the relations between the personal and the general'. Both sequences attempt to stress the concept of The Humane. All of the exhibitions stand alone, artistic and curatorial, but share a common concept.
The exhibition Domestication will present scenes of unstable relations and mis-comunication between man and nature. The various works of eight artists participating in the exhibition include painting, sculpture, video, photography and installation. Each artist actualizes a certain aspect in the complex relationship between humankind and the surrounding nature. In the center of this relationship stands the attempt of domestication in its broadest sense: the attempt to produce processes of order, organization and meaning in nature, which has not yet given to (and perhaps never will) full human control. Often, man seeks to subject nature to his will. Sometimes he succeeds to do so, and sometimes nature puts him in his place.