How to Avoid Mistakes
Galia Pasternak / Talya Raz
29.05.2014 - 28.06.2014

On Thursday, May 29th, Alfred, A Cooperative Institute for Arts and Culture, will open a double exhibition titled How to Avoid Mistakes, displaying artworks by artists Galia Pasternak and Talya Raz.
The exhibition will feature two bodies of work created over the past year. Pasternak will exhibit oil paintings on canvas and mixed media on paper; Raz will exhibit oil painting on canvas.
The exhibition's title is an ironic reference to the artists’ shared work process towards the exhibition. In this process, each artist by turn suggested an exercise for both. The result is an exhibition which does not only present finished and fine-tuned work, but rather allows the viewer to be exposed to the "painterly mistakes", the process unraveled. It therefore raises questions about the very possibility of "mistakes" in art.
Raz and Pasternak deal with issues of gender, family and nature and also pose significant shared questions about the history of art and the act of painting itself. These shared interests are expressed more strongly in this double exhibition, creating a feminine-artistic dialogue as a form of a safe space of action.
Raz works in the tradition of figurative-expressive painting, and over the years her work has undergone a process of formalist and narrative reduction. Her work raises questions about the human-animal relationship, our image of childhood and the possibility of representation in painting.
Pasternak on the other hand constantly explores the relationship between painting and drawing. Her works combine influences of high and low culture. Her images refer to femininity, fantasy, still life, animals and the Mother - Daughter / Teacher - Student relationship.
The connection between artists was formed through curator Sari Golan Sarig, who also wrote the exhibition text.